HC Deb 17 July 1896 vol 43 cc36-7

I beg to ask the Chief Secretary to the Lord Lieutenent of Ireland whether he has received a Report from the Constabulary at Cam-lough or Newry, or from any other source, to the effect that on Sunday the 12th July instant certain Orangemen cursed the Pope at the Roman Catholic Church in Bessbrook, and used offensive language to females who were there; also that three Orangemen on Monday the 13th July instant, fired shots at a Roman Catholic name O'Hanlon; and, have any arrests been made in connection with these outrages?


I am informed that on the 12th July one Orangeman, who had arrived in Bess-brook on that date from Glasgow, suffering from the effects of drink, did indulge in offensive language both towards the Pope and to women who were there. He was taken away by three other Protestants who are willing to give evidence of his misconduct, and he will be summoned to the next Petty Sessions for being drunk and disorderly. It is not a fact that three Orangemen fired shots at a man named O'Hanlon on the 13th instant. It appears, however, that two shots were fired by one Brown, though O'Hanlon cannot say whether they were fired at him. Brown is not licensed to carry firearms, and the question of proceeding against him for carrying unlicensed arms is now under consideration.