MR. LLOYD MORGAN (Carmarthen, W.)I beg to ask the President of the Board of Agriculture, whether the minutes of the parish meetings, and the agreements and valuations made preceding the signing of the formal tithe-rent charge apportionments by the Commissioners, are in the custody of the Board of Agriculture; and whether he will, in the event of an application being made by a parish council or meeting to inspect any such deposited documents, give inspection to a person duly appointed by any such council or meeting to examine the documents for the purpose of obtaining information as to the boundaries of common lands, ancient 1642 rights of way, or any such matters of public interest?
*MR. LONGIn only a few cases are the minutes of the parish meetings and the detailed valuations in the possession of the Board of Agriculture. The agreements are embodied in the apportionments, which are open to public inspection. I do not think that it is necessary, or that it would be practicable, to give further facilities for the inspection of the papers in our hands relating to the commutation of tithes, but I should of course consider carefully any application which might be made to me for information in specific cases.