HC Deb 13 July 1896 vol 42 c1322
MR. BYRON REED (Bradford, E.)

said he desired to ask the Home Secretary a Question of which he had given private notice—namely, whether the right hon. Gentleman's attention had been called to the inconvenience caused to hon. Members during the past week by the uprooting of the roadway outside Palace-yard; whether the Office of Works or the Home Office was responsible for this work; whether it did not constitute a breach of the Standing Order, which said that the approaches to the House should not be interfered with?


I did not receive the hon. Member's notice of the Question, but I cannot see that it has anything to do with my office, or with that of the Commissioner of Works. Whether it comes within the Sessional Order of the House it is not for me to say, but I should imagine that it did not.


Then I must ask who is responsible for carrying out the Sessional Order?

[No answer was given.]