HC Deb 09 July 1896 vol 42 c1108
SIR THOMAS LEA (Londonderry, S.)

I beg to ask the Chief Secretary to the Lord Lieutenant of Ireland whether he will consent to receive a deputation from the grand jury and representatives of the ratepayers of the county of Londonderry, in reference to the building of the new asylum at Londonderry; whether he is aware that representative bodies and the ratepayers throughout the county, except about the city of Londonderry, are strongly opposed at the present time to such building, which it is estimated will cost about 1s. in the pound, payable chiefly by the agricultural portion of the community, now suffering acutely from agricultural depression; and, whether he will cause proceedings in connection with this heavy expenditure to be delayed until the representative bodies of the county have had an opportunity of laying their objections before him, or have been shown the necessity for its proceeding, or until the ratepayers have been consulted in reference to it?


I doubt whether a deputation would be the best way of dealing with this question. The whole matter, however, is now receiving the further consideration of the Irish Government, and a communication will be made to the gentlemen who desire to form a deputation before any further steps are taken towards passing an Order in Council.