HC Deb 09 July 1896 vol 42 cc1101-2

I beg to ask the President of the Board of Trade whether he is aware that Lloyd's have represented that fog signals are required at Stroma, the Butt of Lewis, Noss Head, and Cape Wrath; also that lights are required on eleven headlands, islands, and rocks, especially at St. Kilda and Vee Skerries, where two wrecks lately occurred and both vessels were lost with all hands; and, whether the Commissioners of Northern Lights are taking any steps to provide these fog signals and lights?


I am aware that the representations referred to in the hon. Member's Question have been made by Lloyd's. In 1892 the Northern Lighthouse Commissioners forwarded for the consideration of the Board of Trade a report by their Engineer in which lights or fog signals at the six stations specifically named in the hon. Member's Question were recommended. Definite application for sanction to their establishment has only, however, been made by the Commissioners in the case of three, viz:—for fog signals for Stroma and Noss Head, and for a light at Vee Skerries. Of these the two former have been sanctioned, but the light for Vee Skerries has been refused, the Trinity House having declined to grant their statutory approval as required by the Merchant Shipping Act, 1894, in view of the need for works at other parts of the coast where the general traffic is larger, and also of the great cost of the light, estimated at £59,000. In reply to the statement made in the hon. Member's Question as to wrecks, I am informed by the Northern Lighthouse Commissioners that no wrecks at St. Kilda, and none lately at Vee Skerries have been reported to them. As regards the other headlands, islands and rocks referred to in the hon. Member's Question, the Board of Trade have also sanctioned works at Isle of May, Cape Wrath, Rhinns of Islay, Tod Head, Noup Head, and Inch Keith.