§ Where on the death of a deceased person estate duty becomes payable by a person in respect of any property passing under a settlement made by a will or disposition which took effect before the commencement of the principal Act, and before that commencement any duty mentioned in paragraphs three to five of the First Schedule to the principal Act has been paid or is payable under the same will or disposition on the capital value of the property, the Commissioners of Inland Revenue shall allow the duty so paid or payable as a deduction from the estate duty to the extent to which it has been paid or is payable in respect of the property for which estate duty is payable.
§ MR. LLOYD-GEORGE (Carnarvon Boroughs)asked for an explanation of the clauses.
§ *THE SOLICITOR GENERAL (Sir ROBERT FINLAY, Inverness Burghs)said the clause made only the fair allowance in the cases with which it dealt.
§ Clause agreed to.
§ Clause 18 agreed to.
§ Clause 19,—