HC Deb 07 July 1896 vol 42 c924
MR. T. J. FARRELL (Kerry, S.)

I beg to ask the President of the Local Government Board, whether he has seen reported a statement made by the Medical Officer of Health for the City of London, to the effect that the seizures of diseased meat in the markets and slaughter-houses of the City during the month of May last were the largest ever known; whether, in the Return of such alleged seizures, meat voluntarily surrendered by the owners before being offered for sale was included; and, if such is the case, will he make it an instruction to the Medical Officer of Health that in future Returns the quantities actually seized and those surrendered will be separately shown?


I am informed that the largest seizure of unsound meat in the City of London in any one month was during the four weeks ended 27th June last. The greater portion of this meat was putrid, and not necessarily diseased. I am told that there is no such thing known as meat being voluntarily surrendered by the owners before being offered for sale, but that the salesmen to whom the meat is consigned frequently call the attention of the Inspectors to meat after the same becomes unfit for food.