HC Deb 03 July 1896 vol 42 cc652-3

I beg to ask the Secretary to the Treasury, as representing the Postmaster General, whether he is aware that the closing of the General Post Office in Dublin at certain hours at night, and the substitution for night telegraphic and other postal business of a small office in a lane in Princess Street, has given general dissatisfaction to the citizens of Dublin, which has found expression in the public Press; and, whether, in consequence, he proposes to have the General Post Office re-opened, for night business as usual?


The Postmaster General was not aware that the change mentioned by the hon. Member had given dissatisfaction. It was necessary to keep the office for delivering telegrams open all night, and to avoid duplication of staff and other expense it was arranged to provide accommodation in the same office for the public sending telegrams and transacting other post office business after 9 p.m. The entrance is stated to be in the same street as the door of the ordinary public office, the intervening space being well lighted, and proper notices being exhibited for the guidance of the public. It appears that at the present moment a slight obstruction is caused by a hoarding which will be removed as soon as certain structural alterations now in progress have been completed. Under these circumstances it is not considered to be necessary to re-open the ordinary public office for night business.