HC Deb 02 July 1896 vol 42 cc616-7

In this Act, unless the context otherwise requires,—

The expression "light railway company" includes any person or body of persons, whether incorporated or not, who are owners or lessees of any light railway authorised by this Act, or who are working the same under any working agreement.

The expression "Clauses Acts" means the Lands Clauses Acts, the Railways Clauses Consolidation Act, 1845, and the Railways Clauses Act, 1863, and the Companies Clauses Acts, 1845 to 1889.

The expression "share capital" includes any capital, whether consisting of shares or of stock, which is not raised by means of borrowing.

MR. ARTHUR JEFFREYS (Hants, Basingstoke) moved to add to the clause, after the word "borrowing," the words— A light railway under this Act shall not include any railway which is worked at a greater speed than 12 miles an hour along a public highway.

He urged that the speed mentioned in the Amendment ought not to be exceeded when a railway happened to run along a highway.


hoped that the hon. Member would not press his Amendment. It was obvious that in any Order authorising the making of a light railway the whole surrounding circumstances must be taken into consideration. Though a speed of 12 miles an hour would be too great for villages, towns and crowded highways, it would not be too great in the case of a line which ran over a moorland or in the open country remote from traffic. He had travelled on light railways in Belguim at a higher speed than 12 miles an hour. It would, therefore, be a misfortune if the Board of Trade and the Light Railway Commissioners were prevented from consenting to a higher speed than 12 miles an hour.

MR. J. BRYCE (Aberdeen, S.)

agreed with the right hon. Gentleman, and pointed out that the method of the construction of stations and level crossings was as important as the question of speed. But they were left to the discretion of the Commissioners and the Board of Trade. He had travelled in France on light railways at a higher speed than 12 miles an hour.

Amendment, by leave, withdrawn.