HC Deb 27 February 1896 vol 37 c1344

Resolved— That so soon as the Committee of Supply has been appointed and Estimates have been presented, the business of Supply shall (until it be disposed of) be the first Order of the Day on Friday, unless the House otherwise order on the Motion of a Minister of the Crown moved at the commencement of public business to be decided without Amendment or Debate; and the provisions of Standing Order No. 56 shall be extended to Friday. Not more than twenty days, being days before the 5th of August [on which the Speaker leaves the Chair for the Committee of Supply without Question put, counting from the first day on which the Speaker so left the Chair under Standing Order No. 56,] shall be allotted for the consideration of the Annual Estimates for the Army, Navy, and Civil Services, including Votes on Account, [the business of Supply standing first Order on every such day. Provided always, that on Motion made after Notice by a Minister of the Crown to be decided without Amendment or Debate, additional time, not exceeding three days, may be allotted for the business of Supply, either before or after the 5th of August. On the last but one of the allotted days, at 10 o'clock p.m., the Chairman shall proceed to put forthwith every Question necessary to dispose of the [outstanding Votes in Committee of Supply]; and on the last, not being earlier than the twentieth of the allotted days, the Speaker shall, at 10 o'clock p.m., proceed to put forthwith every Question necessary to complete the outstanding Reports of Supply. On the days appointed for concluding the business of Supply, the consideration of such business shall not be anticipated by a Motion of Adjournment under Standing Order No. 17; nor may any dilatory Motion be moved on such proceedings; [Nor shall they be interrupted under the provisions of any Standing Order relating to the sittings of the House. Provided always, That the days occupied by the consideration of Estimates supplementary to those of a previous Session, or of any Vote of Credit, shall not be included in the computation of the twenty days. Provided also, that two morning sittings shall be deemed equivalent to one Three o'clock sitting.