HC Deb 27 February 1896 vol 37 cc1246-7
DR. TANNER (Cork Co., Mid)

I beg to ask the Under Secretary of State for War, whether there has been any falling-off of candidates for commissions in the Army Medical Department; if so, what is considered the cause; whether the same result occurs in connection with candidates for the Indian Medical Service; and, what were the numbers presenting themselves for examination in these Services respectively for the past three years?

DR. KENNY (Dublin, College Green)

I beg to ask the Under Secretary of State for War, whether, at last examination for candidates for the Army Medical Service, there were more vacancies than candidates; whether there are at present at the Irish Medical Schools any intending candidates for the Army Medical Service; and, has he any information showing to what causes the falling-off in candidates is attributable, especially of candidates from the Irish Schools for a Service hitherto so popular?


This question has been also brought to the notice of Lord Lansdowne by the learned Member for Dublin University. In proportion to the vacancies offered for competition there was a falling-off in the number of candidates in 1895 as compared with 1893 and 1894. The same result occurred, though in a less degree, for the Indian Medical Service. The candidates during the last three years have been:— for the Army Medical Staff, 59 for 26 vacancies, 51 for 22 vacancies, and 40 for 27 vacancies; for the Indian Medical Service, 63 for 27 vacancies, 69 for 28 vacancies, and 70 for 34 vacancies. At the last examination for the Army Medical Staff 18 candidates competed for 17 vacancies. The causes of this diminution, especially in the number of Irish candidates, are engaging the serious consideration of the Secretary of State, and I hope to be in a position to make a statement upon the subject in introducing the Army Estimates.


suggested that the falling-off of Irish candidates was due to the fact that there were no representatives of Irish Medical Schools on the examining board for either the Indian Medical Service or the Army Medical Service.


also asked for the cause of this "boycotting" of the Services by young medical men from Ireland.


said the matter should be investigated.