HC Deb 25 February 1896 vol 37 cc1142-3

Ordered, That a Select Committee be appointed to consider and report as to—

  1. (a) The extent to which distress, arising from want of employment, prevails;
  2. (b) The powers at present possessed by local or central authorities in relation to such cases;
  3. (c) Any steps which may be taken, whether by changes in legislation or administration, to deal with the evils arising therefrom;
  4. (d) The means of discriminating in cases of exceptional distress between "the deserving man forced to become dependent upon public aid" and the ordinary claimants for parish relief, in accordance with the recommendation contained in the Report of the Select Committee on 1143 Distress from Want of Employment, dated 2nd July, 1895, viz., that the former class should be exempted from disability as regards the Franchise, whether local or Parliamentary.—(Sir William Walrond.)