HC Deb 21 February 1896 vol 37 cc822-3

I beg to ask the First Lord of the Admiralty whether, in considering designs of torpedo-boat destroyers, the Admiralty attach importance to securing the speed required with the minimum horse-power; and whether they also attach importance to a minimum displacement, and in ordering torpedo-boat destroyers last year stipulated that the displacement should not exceed 300 tons; and, if so, whether an increased horse-power and an increased displacement afford a reason for a higher price being paid to secure the same conditions of speed?


The inference implied in the question is not admitted; but it is impossible to enter into so highly a technical matter in the form of a question and answer, and I suggest to my hon. Friend that, if the past controversy between Mr. Yarrow and the Admiralty is still to occupy the time of the House, he should seek an opportunity of discussing it when Members of the late Government who were responsible in the matter can reply, and when other builders of torpedo-boat destroyers can have their version of the transaction in question placed before the House. ["Hear, hear!"]