HC Deb 21 February 1896 vol 37 c814
MR. JASPER TULLY (Leitrim, S.)

I beg to ask the Secretary of State for the Home Department, whether the attention of the Government has been directed to the importation into these countries of mineral oils of a very explosive nature and of a low flash point; whether he is aware that the American producers are not allowed to sell to consumers in the United States paraffin oil with a flash point under 95 or 100 F., while they ship to these countries thousands of gallons of oil at a flashing point of 73 F. and under, and which are sold among a class of people who are ignorant of the dangers of using this oil; and, whether, in view of the loss of life which has taken place, the Government are prepared to insist that no paraffin oil will be imported into these countries under a flash point of 95 or 100 F.?


My attention has been drawn to the question of the importation of mineral oils. I am not aware that the law in America with regard to the sale of these oils is that producers are not allowed to sell, to consumers in the United States paraffin oil with a flash point under 95 or 100 F., while they can ship to these countries oil at a flashing point of 73 F. and under; in fact, I am advised that the law as to flash point varies in nearly every State, and that in some States there is no law at all. To prohibit the importation of petroleum with a flash point of less than 95 or 100 degrees would be prohibitive of mineral spirit which is required in many industries; but the question whether an amendment of the law in regard to flash point is desirable is one that will doubtless be carefully considered by the Select Committee which I hope will be appointed.