HC Deb 18 February 1896 vol 37 cc547-8
MR. J. C. FLYNN (Cork, N.)

I beg to ask the Chief Secretary to the Lord Lieutenant of Ireland, if his attention has been called to the proceedings at the meeting of South Dublin Union on 30th January last, from which it appears that an inmate named Marianne Le Coute had been sent over from Eltham, Kent, and that she is a widow, her husband was a Frenchman, and that she had lived all her life in France, furthermore that her mother was an Irishwoman, but she had never been in Ireland herself; that under these circumstances the local authorities at Eltham, who did not know what part of Ireland the woman belonged to, deported her to South Dublin Union; whether the Eltham authorities were justified in taking this action; and, will the Government take the necessary steps to prevent this continued deportation, of paupers to Ireland?


The attention of the Local Government Board in Ireland has been drawn to this case, the facts of which appear, so far as the Guardians of the South Dublin Union have been, able to learn them, to be stated with substantial accuracy. I must confess that I cannot understand the grounds upon which the Eltham authorities based their action, as the woman states that she has no knowledge of having been born in Ireland or of ever having been in Ireland previously. However, the depositions in the case have been asked for, and these may perhaps disclose the ground. I have already carefully considered the general question of the deportation of paupers, and am satisfied that an amendment of the law is desirable. I am still in communication with the authorities in England and in Scotland oil the subject.


said, that every Irish Secretary for the last 30 years had stated that an amendment of the law was desirable. Would the right hon. Gentleman make some endeavour to secure the amendment?


said, he would do his best, but the matter did not altogether rest with him.


inquired if the right hon. Gentleman, would say whether the South Dublin Union authorities would be justified in sending the woman back to Eltham?


asked for notice of the question.