HC Deb 17 February 1896 vol 37 cc441-2

The Parliamentary Elections Act, 1868; and

The Corrupt and Illegal Practices Prevention Acts, 1883 and 1895.

To the Right Honourable the Speaker of the House of Commons.

We, the Honourable Sir Robert Samuel Wright, Knight, and the Honourable Sir Gains-ford Bruce, Knight, Judges of the High Court of Justice, and two of the Judges for the time being for the trial of Election Petitions in England, do hereby, in pursuance of the said Acts, certify that upon the 27th, 28th, 29th, 30th, and 31st days of January, and upon the 1st, 3rd, 4th, 5th, 6th, 7th, 8th, 10th, and 14th days of February, 1896, we duly held a Court in the Royal Courts of Justice, London, and did try the Election Petition for the Haggerston Division of the Borough of Shoreditch, between William Randal Cremer, Petitioner, and John Lowles, Respondent.

And, in further pursuance of the said Acts, we hereby certify:—

That we differ as to whether John Lowles, the Member whose Election is complained of, was duly elected.

And whereas charges were made of corrupt and illegal practices having been committed at the said Election for the Haggerston Division of the Borough of Shoreditch, we, in further pursuance of the said Acts, report as follows:—

(a.) We differ on the question as to whether any corrupt or illegal practice was proved to have been committed by or with the knowledge or consent of the said John Lowles, and also on the question whether the said John Lowles has been guilty by his agents of any corrupt or illegal practice; but we agree that no corrupt or illegal practice was proved to have been committed by or with the knowledge or consent of the said William Randal Cremer, and also that the said William Randal Cremer has not been guilty by his agents of any corrupt or illegal practice.

And we further report:—

(b.) That the following persons have been proved at the trial to have been guilty of the corrupt practice of personation:—

William Carter,

William Platt,


James Wheeler.

We have given a Certificate of Indemnity to James Wheeler.

(c.) That there is no reason to believe that corrupt or illegal practices have extensively prevailed at the said Election for the Haggerston Division of the Borough of Shoreditch, to which the said Petition relates.

Dated this 14th day of February, 1896.