HC Deb 11 August 1896 vol 44 cc480-1

Copy ordered:— Of Returns of the names, objects, or business, places where business is or was conducted, date of registration, number of persons who signed the Memorandum of Association, total number of shares taken up by such subscribers, nominal capital, number of shares into which it is divided, number of shares taken up, amount of calls made on each share, and the total amount of calls received of all Joint Stock Companies formed since the 1st day of January 1895 to the 31st day of December 1895, inclusive, distinguishing whether the Companies are limited or unlimited, and also the number of shareholders in each of the said Companies at the date of the last Return, and whether still in operation or being wound up, Of the total number having their registered offices in the City of London, or within five miles of the General Post Office. And, of the total number and the paid-up capital of all registered Companies which are believed to he carrying on business at the present time"—(Mr. Ritchie.)

Copy presented accordingly; to lie upon the Table, and to be printed.—[No. 354]