HC Deb 06 August 1896 vol 43 c1674

The office of borough assessor shall on and after the twenty-fifth day of November one thousand eight hundred and ninety-six be deemed to be abolished and the election for such office shall cease to be held.

MR. HARRINGTON moved to omit Clause 24. He said that up to the present the Lord Mayor with two assessors had revised the burgess roll, and he thought it was too soon to abolish the office of assessor in view of the approaching revision.


said that the clause would save the Corporation, £300 a year. As the revising barrister had to do the work he did not see why they should provide a sinecure at the expense of the ratepayers for assessors.

Question proposed, "That Clause 24 stand part of the Bill."

Amendment, by leave, withdrawn.

Clause 25,—