HC Deb 06 August 1896 vol 43 c1680

I beg to ask the Financial Secretary to the War Office, whether the Government after the careful consideration which they promised at the commencement of the Session to give to this subject, have come to any decision regarding the supply of food and forage to the Army; and, whether they see their way to giving our own in place of foreign agriculturists the benefit of the money paid by the taxpayers in this country for the support of the defensive forces of the Empire?


It has not yet been possible to arrive at any decision regarding the supply of meat and forage to the Army. The question is one involving many serious points—not the least of which are those relating to expense, and to change in the present military system. The inquiries are being pursued in the hope that some solution of the question may be found which, either wholly or in part, may meet the object which the hon. Member has in view.