§ CAPTAIN PIRIEI beg to ask the Lord Advocate whether, in view of the probable re-introduction of the Public Health (Scotland) Bill, he would take measures to alter the law dealing with interment after death, so as to enable the Sanitary Authority or the Parish Council to immediately provide a coffin and to carry out the funeral in such cases where the friends of a deceased person are unable to pay for or undertake the interment themselves, instead of being obliged, as at present hold to be the law, under the operation of Section 43 of the Public Health (Scotland) Act, 1867, to delay the interment until the corpse has become a nuisance and a danger to public health?
§ * THE LORD ADVOCATE (Mr. GRAHAM MURRAY,) ButeshireThe point referred to by the hon. Member will be considered in the event of a Public Health (Scotland) Bill being introduced next Session.