HC Deb 30 April 1896 vol 40 cc216-7

I beg to ask the First Commissioner of Works, if he will state by whose authority a large tree inside Hyde Park at Hyde Park Corner has been cut down; whether any more, and if so how many more, trees are to be cut down at the same spot, and for what reason are trees being removed from a spot where they are so valuable; and, whether he can explain why and by whose authority a large space inside the Park at Hyde Park Corner has been boarded in, why excavations are being made there, and whether it is intended to erect any buildings to the disfigurement of the Park at this important point?

DR. FARQUHARSON (Aberdeenshire, W.)

I beg to ask the First Commissioner of Works if he will state by whose authority two of the finest trees in Hyde Park, facing St. George's Hospital, have been cut down to make room for a local improvement; and, whether he will prevent the destruction of any more until he can make full inquiry into all the facts of the case?


With the permission of the House I propose to answer the Question (57) of the hon. Member for West Aberdeenshire at the same time. The Vestry of St. George's are erecting sanitary conveniences within the Park at Hyde Park Corner under a Royal Warrant. The old conveniences there had become old fashioned and unhealthy. The vestry had agreed to erect and maintain the structures at their own cost, in consideration of the place being situated so as to be of use to persons passing along the street as well as to frequenters of the Park. The scheme and the site were approved by my predecessor at the Office of Works; but I am bound to say that I think no more satisfactory one could have been found. The detailed plans of the building were approved by me. Originally it was intended to remove three trees in order to make room for the buildings, but by a slight alteration of the plans one has been saved. No more will be cut down.


May I ask the right hon. Gentleman whether, inasmuch these alterations have been made on the ground that existing arrangements have become old fashioned, further alterations will be made as the fashion in these matters varies? [Laughter.]

[No answer was given.]