MR. H. FELL PEASE (York, N.R., Cleveland)I beg to ask the President of the Board of Agriculture, if he is aware that a large number of old horses are exported to France, where they are subjected to very cruel treatment by being turned out into marshy land, where they are fastened upon by leeches and thus tortured to death; and, if he can prevent the export of old and useless horses likely to become victims of this treatment?
§ THE PRESIDENT OF THE BOARD OF AGRICULTURE (Mr. WALTER LONG,) Liverpool, West DerbyI have seen various statements in the newspapers on thin subject, but I have not myself received any representations re 14 specting it. I understand, however, that full inquiries have been made on the spot by the Royal Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals, and that the conclusion arrived at is that the original statement was, happily, a gross exaggeration. In any case, it would not be competent for me to prohibit the export of horses from this country.