HC Deb 23 April 1896 vol 39 c1516
MR. ARTHUR PEASE (Darlington)

I beg to ask the Under Secretary of State for Foreign Affairs if the total abolition of slavery throughout the province of Witu, as fixed by an agreement entered into at Jongeni, 18th March 1891, between Her Majesty's Consul and the Administrator of the British East Africa Company on the one part, of the Sultan and Chiefs of Witu on the other part, will take place finally and absolutely on 24th May 1896, the date specified in the agreement?


The position taken up by the late Government with regard to slavery in Witu is fully explained in the "Further Papers Relating to Witu" Africa No. 1, 1894, which were laid before the House in January 1894. In view of the state of affairs on the mainland, it is not at present possible to put into operation the comprehensive measures there foreshadowed.