HC Deb 21 April 1896 vol 39 c1362

MR. A. GRIFFITH-BOSCAWEN (Kent, Tonbridge) moved that the Grand Committee on Law have leave to sit this afternoon, notwithstanding the sittings of the House.

MR. H. S. FOSTER (Suffolk, Lowestoft)

opposed the Motion on behalf of himself and other members of the Committee, who had, he said, intimated to him that it would be inconvenient to sit again without notice. The Committee, which had just adjourned for lunch, were not consulted about the present Motion.


The hon. Member will understand that I only put such a Motion when made either by the Chairman of the Committee in person or by someone who makes the Motion at the request of the Chairman, as was, I understood, done in this case.


said, he made the Motion at the request of the Chairman.


said, that did not remove his objection.

MR. CARVELL WILLIAMS (Notts, Mansfield)

supported the objection of the hon. Member.

The House divided:—Ayes, 94; Noes, 75.—(Division List, No. 104.

Leave was accordingly granted.

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