HC Deb 21 April 1896 vol 39 cc1375-6

I beg to ask the Secretary of State for the Colonies, whether his attention has been called to the reports that a large quantity of cannon, Maxims, and ammunition are being imported into the Transvaal, and that many foreign mercenaries also are being imported; and, if so, whether Her Majesty's Government have asked for an explanation from the Boer Government of these warlike preparations?


My attention has been called to the importation of munitions of war into the South African Republic; but I should not be justified in interfering unless I had evidence to show that these preparations were intended for other than defensive purposes. The Consul-General of the South African Republic has assured me most positively that his Government is not introducing foreign mercenaries; but many of the emigrants to the Transvaal from foreign countries are no doubt persons who, under a conscription, have had a military training.


asked whether the right hon. Gentleman had received any report from Her Majesty's Agent in Pretoria upon the importation of arms and munitions of war by the Boer Government, and whether he would inquire of Her Majesty's Agent in Pretoria as to the number of foreign immigrants having a military training who had entered the Transvaal in the last three months?


We have made all possible inquiries into both these matters, and I believe we possess all the information that is to be obtained with respect to them.

MR. W. ALLEN (Newcastle-under-Lyme)

asked whether the right hon. Gentleman had received any fresh information from President Kruger with respect to the invitation which had been sent to him?


No, Sir.