HC Deb 17 April 1896 vol 39 cc1170-1

I beg to ask the Chief Secretary to the Lord Lieutenant of Ireland, on whose advice or recommendation a class of animal called the Hackney Stallion has been sent over to improve the breed of horses in Ireland?


I am informed that before introducing stallions of the Hackney or any other class into Ireland the Congested Districts Board made exhaustive inquiries from very many authorities on horse-breeding as to the best breeds of animals to place in the several congested areas in Ireland. It is undesirable to give the names of these authorities, but I shall be happy to give my right hon. Friend the information privately if he should desire it. I may add that the demand, at much increased prices, for the animals bred under the Board's scheme has, so far, fully justified their choice of horses.


Arising out of that answer, I beg to ask the right Gentleman whether he is aware that the Grand Jury of Cork have passed a resolution disapproving the step taken by the Board?


Order, Order! That does not arise out of the Question. The practice, when a Question has been asked and answered, of asking the Minister whether he is aware that certain representations have been made by certain persons upon the subject is inadmissible. A question of this kind does not really arise out of the Question on the Paper. If asked at all it ought to be included in the original Question. [Cheers.]


I only wished to point out that great objection has been taken to the importation of Hackney sires into Ireland.


As I have said, Questions of this kind are inadmissible. They are really intended, as the observation of the hon. Member shows, as replies to the Answers of Ministers. [Cheers.]