HC Deb 16 April 1896 vol 39 c1040
MR. S. MORRIS (Kilkenny, S.)

I beg to ask the Chief Secretary to the Lord Lieutenant of Ireland, whether he has yet been able to inquire into the case of Jones v. Aylward as promised, and what is the result of such inquiry; whether he is aware that the tenant is to be evicted by the reversioner, who refuses to be bound by the act of his predecessor, and whether the forces of the Crown will be used on that occasion and, whether he will see that the provision in the Land Bill making tenancies created by limited owners binding against reversioners is made applicable to this and other cases where ejectment proceedings have already been taken?


Further inquiries have been made in reference to this case, and I am informed that the reversioner obtained a decree for possession, but that execution was stayed to enable the tenant to appeal. The hearing of the appeal was fixed for to-day in the Court of Appeal. The Government has no discretionary power in the matter of giving the forces of the Crown in the execution of legal process.


asked whether the Government had power to stay proceedings in the matter?


No, I believe not.