HC Deb 16 April 1896 vol 39 cc1077-8

Hon. Members have in their hands a paper showing the Exchequer receipts in the past year. I estimate that this year the Customs will produce £21,020,000, an increase of £264,000 on the receipts of last year; that Excise will produce £27,000,000—I take throughout the basis of the existing taxation, an increase of £200,000 over the Exchequer receipts of last year; Death Duties I put at £10,950,000, a decrease, for the reasons I have already explained to the Committee of £650,000; General Stamps I put at £6,700,000, a decrease of £650,000; Land Tax at £1,000,000, a decrease of £15,000, owing to ordinary causes; House Duty at £1,475,000, a decrease of £20,000; Property and Income Tax at £16,200,000, an increase of £100,000; makingatotaltaxrevenueof£84,345,000. I estimate the Post Office to produce £11,660,000—an increase of £280,000. I estimate the income from telegraphs at £2,940,000, an increase of £100,000; from Crown Lands, £415,000; Interest on the Suez Canal Shares £695,000, an increase of £5,000 — [loud cheers]— from miscellaneous, £1,700,000—an increase of £167,000, or a total of non-tax Revenue of £17,410,000; making the total revenue £101,755,000.

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