HC Deb 16 April 1896 vol 39 c1083

I have now come nearly to the end of my statement. The Committee are aware that in a few days my right hon. Friend the President of the Local Government Board proposes to introduce a Bill dealing with the rating of agricultural land. I cannot, of course, say anything now as to the proposals of that Bill, but I estimate the cost of it—so far as the present year is concerned, and including corresponding grants to Scotland and Ireland in the proportions of 11 and 9 respectively to the 80 of England—at about £975,000, for which I make provision out of my surplus. I should say that next year that grant, as our proposals now stand, will be required to be doubled. The Final Balance Sheet for the coming year will, therefore, stand as follows: — The total Revenue is estimated at £100,480,000, made up as follows:—

Customs 21,020,000
Excise 27,000,000
Estate Duties 9,775,000
Stamps 6,700,000
Land Tax 900,000
House Duty 1,475,000
Income Tax 16,200,000
This gives a total Revenue from Taxes of £83,070,000
To this must be added the non-tax Revenue of 17,410,000
Giving a total Revenue, as above-mentioned, of £100,480,000
Deducting from this an estimated Expenditure of 100,047,000
I have left a margin of £433,000