HC Deb 13 April 1896 vol 39 c750
SIR E. ASHMEAD-BART LETT (Sheffield, Ecclesall)

I wish to ask the right hon. Gentleman whether in view of the important Colonial and Imperial interests now at stake in South Africa, Her Majesty's Government will decide at once to reinforce the Imperial troops there?


Sir Hercules Robinson has offered, after consultation with the General Officer commanding the troops at the Cape, and after hearing from Messrs. Rhodes and Duncan and Lord Grey, to send up at once to the disturbed districts 300 cavalry and 200 mounted infantry from Natal in addition to the Volunteers and police already arranged for. He will also raise a force of 250 Basutos to aid in quelling the insurrection. I am considering with the War Office what steps will be necessary to replace any troops which may be ordered into the interior. [Cheers.]


asked whether this country or the British South Africa Company would be asked to pay the expenditure involved.


Undoubtedly, under the existing arrangements, I should expect the British South Africa Company to pay. [Cheers]