HC Deb 05 September 1895 vol 36 c1746
SIR E. ASHMEAD-BARTLETT (Sheffield, Ecclesall)

I beg to ask the Under Secretary of State for Foreign Affairs, whether Her Majesty's Government have yet received an authoritative Report of the proceedings connected with the execution of the English trader, Stokes, on the Upper Congo; what was the nature of the charges against Stokes; whether he was tried by a court-martial upon which two Belgian Commissioned Officers declined to serve, their places being supplied by Non-Commissioned Officers; and whether a Belgian doctor present protested against the execution of Stokes, and declined to go further with Major Lothaire's expedition?


Her Majesty's Government have received certain documents relating to the execution of Mr. Stokes from the authorities of the Congo Free State. They do not, however, contain all the information desired by the hon. Member or asked for by Her Majesty's Government. These papers are now being examined, and I cannot at this moment say more than that they show the case to be of a very serious character.

MR. HENRY GREENE (Shrewsbury)

I beg to ask the Under Secretary of State for Foreign Affairs whether Her Majesty's Government will make public, during the Parliamentary Recess, the information received by them with reference to the execution of Mr. Stokes and the confiscation of his property?


The papers relating to the case are still imperfect. They have gone to the Secretary of State, but instructions have not yet been received from him on the point. The matter, however, is one to which my hon. Friend is justified in attaching great importance, and it will not be lost sight of.