HC Deb 03 September 1895 vol 36 cc1544-5
MR. W. E. M. TOMLINSON (Preston)

I beg to ask the President of the Board of Trade whether his attention has been called to a case brought before the Board under the conciliation clause, s. 31 of the Railway and Canal Traffic Act, 1888, and lodged with the Board as long ago as the 23rd of April last, in which a trader complained that the Great Western and London and South Western Railway Companies were unduly prejudicing him in respect to certain rates charged by them, and in which those Companies have hitherto neglected to reply to the communications of the Board of Trade; whether there are any circumstances justifying the delay in this case; whether there have been other cases under the Conciliation Clause of undue delay on the part of Railway Companies in replying to communications of the Board; and whether he intends to take any step with the view of securing more prompt attention on the part of Railway Companies to the communications of the Board of Trade in such cases?


Yes, Sir, I am aware of the facts of this case, and can only say that the Board of Trade have frequently pressed the Great Western and the London and South Western Railway Companies for a reply to the complaint. The Great Western Railway are principally interested, and I understand that the delay is caused by certain correspondence which has been passing between that Company and the Corporation of Weymouth. The Board of Trade have sometimes difficulty in obtaining such prompt replies to complaints under Section 31 as they could desire, but the Board cannot generally attribute this to an intention on the part of the Companies to delay the proceedings. From the nature of the complaint, involving in many cases several Companies and a large number of rates, the correspondence must be lengthy, particularly as between the Companies who desire to consult together and act in accord. I can only assure my hon. Friend that the Board of Trade will carefully watch the progress of the cases, and press the Companies for prompt replies.