§ MR. W. REDMONDOn behalf of the hon. Member for the St. Patrick Division of Dublin (Mr. W. FIELD), I beg to ask the Secretary to the Admiralty whether £9,920 was paid by the Admiralty for foreign pork between 1st April 1894 and 31st March 1895; whether it was on the plea of economy that preference was given to the foreign importer; whether tenders were invited from home producers; and whether the article supplied was of similar quality of native produce?
* THE SECRETARY TO THE ADMIRALTY (Sir UGHTRED KAY-SHUTTLE-WORTH,) Lancashire, N.E., ClitheroeA contract was made in 1894–95 for Danish salt pork to the value of £9,920, at lower prices than those quoted by Irish firms. These, however, obtained contracts at higher prices to the value of £22,300, tenders having been invited by advertisement. The Danish pork is at least equal to that supplied from Ireland.