§ MR. J. C. MACDONA (Southwark, Rotherhithe)I beg to ask the Secretary to the Admiralty whether he is aware that the derelict reported by the Lewis fishermen off the Butt of Lewis is not 459 yet sunk, and is in a position of great danger to the German and Danish passenger traffic with America, and a thousand fishing boats averaging seven men each nightly on fishing grounds in the immediate vicinity of it; whether he is aware that great local dissatisfaction exists in Stornoway, arising from the Admiralty declining to allow the gunboat Renard, now in Stornoway, to go out in search of this derelict and destroy it, or bring it into harbour; and will the Admiralty under these circumstances give orders for Her Majesty's gunboat going out from Stornoway to search for this dangerous derelict?
* SIR UGHTRED KAY-SHUTTLE-WORTHA portion of a copper-sheathed vessel, apparently corresponding to the derelict seen some days ago, has been washed ashore near the Butt of Lewis—on Tolsta Sands. In reply to inquiries from the Admiralty, the commander of H.M.S. Renard has reported that the ship ashore is part of a large ship lately coppered at Hamburg, and is supposed to be part of the derelict reported off the Butt of Lewis. In answer to a further telegram, the Divisional Officer of Coast Guard at Stornoway, after making full inquiry, has telegraphed that no floating derelict has been reported as having been seen since this wreck came on shore. Under these circumstances, the Admiralty are confirmed in the view expressed in my answer to the hon. Member of Tuesday last.