§ VISCOUNT CRANBORNEI beg to ask the Civil Lord of the Admiralty whether his attention has been further called to the case of Richard Rigden, whose hands were cut off by a machine in Chatham Dockyard in August 1893; whether he has been informed that four days after the accident, an inspector of machinery inspected it, and that, at the same time, a board was put over the machine with an order upon it that the machine was not to be used until it had been repaired; and whether he adheres to his statement that the machine was in good working order at the time of the accident?
§ * THE CIVIL LORD OF THE ADMIRALTY (Mr. E. ROBERTSON,) DundeeI have made further inquiries into this case since I answered a question on the subject on the 29th ultimo. The inspection referred to was made within a few days of the accident. No such board as is mentioned was put over the machine. I adhere to my statement that the machine was in good working order at the time the accident occurred.
§ VISCOUNT CRANBORNEasked whether the hon. Gentleman had made inquiry from anybody except those directly interested, as to the cause of fatality. He had confident testimony that what he had stated was true. He hoped the hon. Gentleman's inquiries would extend beyond the officials actually engaged?
§ * MR. E. ROBERTSONsaid, he did not know in what other directions to make inquiries. If the noble Lord possessed further information he would be glad to receive it.