HC Deb 27 May 1895 vol 34 c360
MR. T. LOUGH (Islington, W.)

I beg to ask the Postmaster General what a complete year's outfit of a rural postman consists of, and what is the net cost thereof to the Department; whether he has considered the question of making the inquiry which he has promised public; and whether it is necessary that complaints should pass through the hands of postmasters or any officials, or whether the Commission will receive oral or written complaints directly from anyone who is engaged in the Postal Service?


An established rural postman receives two suits of clothes (summer and winter) with a shako and cover every year; an overcoat every two years; a waterproof cape and leggings every three years, and an annual allowance of 21s. for boots. The cost to the Department is £3 10s. 7d. a year. I propose to ask the Committee to consider, as soon as they meet, the other points raised by the hon. Member.