HC Deb 27 May 1895 vol 34 cc357-8

I beg to ask the Chief Secretary to the Lord Lieutenant of Ireland—(1) what is the proportion of Catholic arid Protestant policemen in King's County, how many Catholic and how many Protestant constables have been promoted, and to what ranks, in the time of the last two county inspectors; are any of the district inspectors Catholics; is it the fact that on two occasions when a Catholic county inspector was about being appointed remonstrances from certain inhabitants were yielded to and a Protestant maintained; and (2) is there any ground for the feeling amongst the King's County force that men of one religion are favoured while promotion is withheld from Catholics?


The Inspector General informs me that of the 233 men of the Constabulary in King's County, 182 are Roman Catholics and 51 Protestants. The promotions made in the time of the last two County Inspectors were: To the rank of acting sergeant, three Catholics and one Protestant, and to the rank of sergeant two Catholics. One of the District Inspectors is a Catholic. The Inspector General received no remonstrance or other communication of the nature mentioned in the question. Both the late and the present County Inspectors are Roman Catholics. The Inspector General, having made inquiry, finds that no feeling, such as alleged in the second paragraph, exists among the King's County force.