HC Deb 23 May 1895 vol 34 cc94-5
MR. J. F. HOGAN (Mid Tipperary)

I beg to ask the Under Secretary of State for the Colonies whether a despatch has been received from the Governor of Queensland respecting an interview which His Excellency had with a number of influential residents of the central division of that Colony at Rockhampton on 1st April; whether he is aware that in the address presented to His Excellency on that occasion it was affirmed that the desire of the inhabitants of Central Queensland for the concession of local self-government was becoming stronger and more profound as the absolute necessity for it became more apparent, and that considerable disappointment was felt at the delay of the Imperial Government in giving effect to that desire; and, whether any of the obstacles that were cited as preventing the immediate creation of a new Colony in Central Queensland when the Secretary of State for the Colonies last received a deputation on the subject, have since been removed?


No despatch from the Governor of Queensland has been received in regard to the matter mentioned in the question, of later date than the 30th March. If further despatches are received they will, of course, receive due consideration.