HC Deb 20 May 1895 vol 33 c1574

Return ordered,— Showing with respect to each County or Division of a County in Scotland the number of Parliamentary Electors on the Register, distinguishing them according to their qualifications, and in the case of ownership and occupation voters setting forth separately those resident in the constituency and those non-resident therein, in the following form:—

Counties or Division of Counties. Number of Electors entered on the Register for 1895. (6) Remarks
(1) Owners or Life Renters (2) Tenants or Occupiers (3) Lodgers. (4) Electors not included in preceding columns. (5) Total of Registered Electors.
Resident in the constituency. Resident outside the geographical boundary of the constituency Resident in a Parliamentary burgh within the geographical boundary of the constituency. Total. Resident in the constituency. Resident outside the geographical boundary of the constituency Resident in a Parliamentary burgh within the geographical boundary of the constituency. Total.