HC Deb 20 May 1895 vol 33 c1578
MR. HARRY FOSTER (Suffolk, Lowestoft)

I beg to ask the President of the Board of Agriculture, if he will explain why, although since the retirement of Professor Brown from the directorship of the Veterinary Department in 1893 no fresh director has been appointed, the Department has been re-named the Animals Department; whether he will state who is the director or principal of the Animals Department, and whether he is a member of the veterinary profession; and whether he is aware that a strong feeling exists in the veterinary profession against the recent alterations in the organisation and methods of the Veterinary Department; and will he state what steps, if any, he proposes to take in the matter?


On the re-arrangement of business which took place on the retirement of Professor Brown in 1893 the term "Animals Division" was applied to the officers engaged on duties which are connected with the animal industry, but which do not require the possession of veterinary knowledge for their proper performance. The term "veterinary" would have been inappropriate to the division thus constituted, and a separate status, was, moreover, assigned to our veterinary staff. The principal of the Division is Major John Trenchard Tennant, who is not a veterinary surgeon, but who has had nearly 20 years' experience of the business upon which he is engaged, and to whose ability and work in the past agriculturists are very greatly indebted I am aware that many members of the veterinary profession would have preferred that no changes in our organisation should have been made, but I am satisfied that these changes were necessary in the interest of the public service, and I do not propose, nor indeed is it in my power, to make any other arrangements.