HC Deb 14 May 1895 vol 33 c1244

THE PATRONAGE SECRETARY TO THE TREASURY (MR. THOMAS ELLIS, Merionethshire) moved:— That the Lords Message [8th April] relative to the appointment of a Joint Committee on the Drafting of Bills be now considered: That a Select Committee of Five Members be appointed to join with the Committee appointed by the Lords to consider in what manner such inconvenience as arises from legislation by reference in Acts of Parliament to prior enactments can best be avoided: That a Message be sent to the Lords to acquaint them therewith.

DR. CLARK (Caithness)

said, that, as a rule, on these Committees the Government had a majority. But in this case the Opposition had a majority. How was this?


The honourable Gentleman must raise that point on the nomination of the Committee.

Motion agreed to.

On the question, "That Mr. Hanbury be a Member of the Committee,"

MR. D. CRILLY (Mayo, N.)


Question postponed.

House adjourned at Five minutes after Twelve o'clock.