HC Deb 13 May 1895 vol 33 c1048
MR. SEYMOUR KEAY (Elgin and Nairn)

I beg to ask the Secretary of State for India, (1) whether the news has been confirmed that Umra Khan has been interned by the Ameer of Afghanistan, and will he be handed over to the Indian Government; (2) whether this Umra Khan is the chief of the same name who in 1891–2 was engaged in raiding on the territories of the Ameer in the districts around Asmar; (3) whether on that occasion, when the Ameer's commanders proposed to make reprisals, His Highness was warned by the Indian Government against doing so, on the ground that Umra Khan's territory was outside the sphere of influence of Afghanistan; (4) can he state to the House the terms of the ultimatum which was recently sent to Umra Khan by the Indian Government, and was it received by him before the British troops crossed the British frontier on 2nd April; (5) and can he also give the terms of the proclamation by the Indian Government to the surrounding tribes?


I have no official confirmation of the statement that Umra Khan has been interned by the Ameer, and will be handed over to the Indian Government. My answer to the second and third clauses of the hon. Member's question is in the affirmative; but Asmar was not occupied by the Afghans at the time referred to. The terms of the ultimatum and of the proclamation will be included among the Papers to be presented to Parliament; but I am not yet in a position to say when the presentation may take place. The proclamation of the Indian Government has already been published in the Press.