HC Deb 09 May 1895 vol 33 c800

I beg to ask the Secretary of State for the Home Department, in what places Industrial Schools are conducted by the School Boards, and which of those schools are for girls; whether he can say whether any, and, if so, which, of such schools have been successful; and, whether he can say how many Catholic children are confined there, and by whom is the religious education of those children conducted?


Excluding truant schools for short periods of detention, there are eight industrial schools managed by School Boards—two by the London School Board, one by the Brighton and Preston Boards, and one each by the School Boards of Leicester, Leeds, Middlesbrough, Bristol, and Hull. The last two are girls' schools. These schools have all been successful, except one of the girls' schools. There are 113 Roman Catholic children in four of the schools. In three of them a priest visits regularly once a week, and in two there are also Roman Catholic teachers. In the fourth there are only eight Roman Catholic children, admitted at the request of their parents.