HC Deb 09 May 1895 vol 33 c895

Address for:— Return for the years 1892 and 1893 for each Regiment of Cavalry (including the Cavalry Depot), Battery or Company of Artillery, Company of Engineers, and Battalion of Infantry, respectively, of the number and proportion to average strength of (1) Courts Martial, distinguishing those in which the offences are only in relation to Enlistment; (2) Minor Punishments; (3) Desertions; and (4) Stations (in continuation of Parliamentary Paper, No. 22, of Session 1893–4)."—(Sir Frederick Fitzwygram)

Several Irish MEMBERS exclaimed: "I object."


said, his predecessor in the Chair ruled on more than one occasion that no objection could be allowed to a Return which appeared on the Paper as unopposed, and he must follow that ruling.