HC Deb 02 May 1895 vol 33 c313

The balance-sheet for 1895–6, as it will stand on the present basis of taxation, will therefore be as follows:—On the revenue side—Customs, £20,240,000: Excise, 25,450,000; stamps, £15,800,000: land tax, £1,020,000; house duty, £1,450,000; income tax, £15,530,000: Total tax revenue, £79,490,000. Post Office, £10,900,000; Telegraph service, £2,620,000; Crown lands, £415,000; interest on Suez Canal shares, &c., £687,000; miscellaneous, £1,550,000; Total non-tax revenue, £16,172,000, making the total revenue, £95,662,000. On the other side, we have the expenditure on the Consolidated Fund Services, £26,625,000, and that on the Supply Services, £69,356,000, making together a total expenditure of £95,981,000, and thus leaving; an estimated deficit of £319,000 for the current year.

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