HC Deb 02 May 1895 vol 33 c286
MR. P. A. M'HUGH (Leitrim, N.)

I beg to ask the Postmaster General, why the rural postman who carries the mails between Sligo and Glencar has been prohibited by his superiors from riding a bicycle in making his daily runs; is there any rule of the Post Office Department regulating the use of bicycles by rural postmen; has he received representations from the people of the district requesting him to allow the postman to use his bicycle; and when will a decision be arrived at?


The rural postman from Sligo to Glencar was forbidden to use a bicycle because it was found that the bicycle was not, and could not be, always used, and this caused the working of the Post to be irregular. The rule of the Department on the subject is, that no rural postman shall use a cycle on his own account without the authority of his superior officer, to be given or withheld at his discretion. The people of the district have requested that the postman may be allowed to use a bicycle. I will inform the hon. Member of my decision in a day or two.