HC Deb 28 March 1895 vol 32 cc442-4

On Motion of Mr. J. W. Sidebottom, Bill to amend the Law respecting Duplicate Entries on Registers of Electors.

Bill presented accordingly, and read the first time; to be read a second time upon Thursday, 18th April, and to be printed. [Bill 187.]

Return ordered, arranged under the heads given on page 3 of the Memorandum of the Secretary of the Admiralty, dated the 8th day of March 1889 (Parliamentary Paper No. 67, of Session 1889), revised by Memorandum of the 2nd day of April, 1892 (Parliamentary Paper No. 133, of Session 1892), giving—
1st. In regard to the 38 ships intended by the New Programme to be built in Her Majesty's Dockyard, in Italics, in comparison with the estimated expenditure therein shown, the actual expenditure under each head for each of the years therein contained, giving also with reference to the anticipated difference of £3,054,000, therein said to be available "for laying down new vessels, or in reducing the Estimates for the years 1892–3 and 1893–4," information as to what sums were applied to either of these two purposes respectively:—
1889–90. 1890–91. 1891–2. 1892–3. 1893–4. Total.
Vote 8. £ £ £ £ £ £
Amount appropriated to New Construction Estimated 2,650,000 2,650,000 2,650,000 2,650,000 2,650,000 13,250,000
Less,—Amount required to complete ships in progress Estimated 1,290,000 256,000 1,546,000
Amount available for New Programme Estimated 1,360,000 2,394,000 2,650,000 2,650,000 2,650,000 11,704,000
Ordnance amount appropriated for armaments of New Vessels Estimated 450,000 600,000 600,000 600,000 600,000 2,850,000
Total Estimated 1,810,000 2,994,000 3,250,000 3,250,000 3,250,000 14,554,000
Estimated Expenditure on New Programme, including Ordnance and Warlike Stores Estimated 1,810,000 2,940,000 3,160,000 2,250,000 1,340,000 11,500,000
Difference Estimated £3,054,000
The difference between the amounts available for New Construction, &c., viz., £14,554,000, and the sums required to complete the New Programme, viz., £11,500,000, can be either utilised in laying down New Vessels, or in reducing the Estimates for the years 1892–3, 1893–4.

2nd. In regard to the 32 Ships included in the New Programme, to be constructed by Contract, similar information in Italics as to the actual Expenditure on the services therein referred to in comparison with the estimated Expenditure:—

1888–90. 1890–91. 1891–2. 1892–3. 1893–4 1894–5. 1895–6. Total.
£ £ £ £ £ £ £ £
Amount available out of the proposed Naval Defence Acc'nt Estimated 1,428,000 1,428,000 1,428,000 1,428,000 1,428,000 1,428,000 1,432,000 10,000,000
Estimated Expenditure Estimated 2,845,000 4,415,000 1,900,000 740,000 100,000 10,000,000

House adjourned at Ten Minutes before One o'clock.