HC Deb 18 March 1895 vol 31 c1270
SIR W. HART DYKE (Kent, Dartford)

I beg to ask the Vice President of the Committee of Council on Education, whether he is contemplating any action on the lines indicated by the Deputation on Training Schools of Cookery, lately received by the Secretary of the Education Department; and whether he will be able to secure, in the future, that all persons receiving cookery diplomas shall be examined by persons appointed by the Department, and that no grant of public money on account of instruction in cookery shall be paid to any public elementary school working on a syllabus not framed by the Education Department?


I am giving the matter my careful consideration, and I will make inquiry in order to ascertain whether, and on what basis, an examinatation of Cookery Teachers can be held by this Department, as desired by the Deputation. This inquiry may, no doubt, occupy some little time. It is already provided in the Code that a list of dishes taught during the school-year, and the record of the instruction given, must be submitted to the Inspector. But I will consider whether a syllabus can be framed by the Department of an extended character, from which school managers may be able to make a selection.

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