HC Deb 14 March 1895 vol 31 c1046
MR. C. E. SCHWANN (Manchester, N.)

I beg to ask the Under Secretary of State for Foreign Affairs whether he has observed the statement of the special correspondent of The Daily Telegraph (issue of 11th March) that the Commission at Moush is progressing slowly because of the European delegates' work being got through so tardily, they having no secretary and only one dragoman; and also the statement by the same authority, that the Commission has reached a point where it has to inquire into the deeds of Turkish Generals, and the dragoman is afraid to fulfil his duties; and, if these are facts, will Her Majesty's Government take steps to prevent any interference with the efficiency of the inquiry?


I have seen the statement. In consequence of a representation received on the 6th inst. from the European delegates, steps have been taken to provide them with a dragoman, and to obtain his official recognition by the Turkish Authorities. Her Majesty's Ambassador at the Porte will join with those of the other Powers represented in securing that the delegates shall have every assistance that is necessary for the proper performance of their duties, so that there may be no interference with the efficiency of the inquiry.


said, he had received a telegram from a trustworthy source to the effect that the Governor of Van was intimidating witnesses. [Cries of "Order."] If this was the case, would the Government take means to secure his immediate dismissal?

[No answer was given.]