HC Deb 07 March 1895 vol 31 cc549-50

I beg to ask the Chief Secretary to the Lord Lieutenant of Ireland, whether he can now say whether he will be able to start relief works, and especially to make some much needed roads, to relieve the distress in Glengelvin and Killinagh parishes, County Cavan?


The Local Government Boards Inspector has visited the districts referred to in the question, and made careful inquiry as to the condition of the people there. There appears to be no doubt that a number of families in these localities are very poor, compared with other parts of the union, and have suffered from the failure of the potato crop; but as the Enniskillen union is very well circumstanced, with a high valuation per head of population, and as the poor rates are very low, and the numbers on relief are normal, the Board do not consider that for the present at all events any necessity exists for adopting exceptional measures of relief.